Phi Beta Lambda - Florida Chapter
Future Business Leaders of America Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) is a national organization whose mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs (FBLA-PBL, 2013). FBLA-PBL was a new club at Saint Leo University at the time, and I served as club adviser for three years and enjoyed every minute. With the help of the students and my leadership, we were able to grow the club to 42 members strong. We were one of the biggest chapters in the State of Florida. It was rewarding! During that time we competed among some of the top Universities in the state and country. Some of our notable wins were 1st Place in Accounting Analysis and Decision Making, 2nd Place in Accounting Principles, 1st Place in Management and Analysis and Decision Making, 1st Place in International Business, 2nd Place Marketing Analysis and Decision Making.